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Ad Copy

Advertising is meant to sell. Well-crafted copy grabs the audience's attention and drives them to action.

We write ads with impact.

Americans are exposed to more than 4,000 ads every day — so many, that we’re often blind to the marketing that’s in front of us. But a good advertisement can stop you in your tracks, even if you’re not in buying mode or in the market for a particular product.

In digital advertising, words have more weight. Search results are pages of texts. Posts on most social media channels lead with copy. Our copywriters make every character count, optimizing your advertising copy to stand out from the thousands of other marketing messages and entice users to learn more.

Conversion Copywriting

You only have a handful of words and a few seconds to grab a user’s attention. Your ad copy must make them pause and persuade them to click. We use copywriting techniques designed to convert users on the web. Our writers carefully craft copy that carries emotional weight, creates an urgency to act, solves a problem, or shares the benefits of your brand — all within the constraints of your display, search, or social ad.

A/B Testing

Running multiple ads at once can improve the success rate of your campaigns. Our copywriters create messaging based on what’s working with your audience. We present your audience with variations of the same ad to see which headline, description, or call to action performs best. When there’s not a clear winner, we write new ad copy until we find a combination that works.

Ad Optimization

In the print world, you create an ad and hope for the best. Online, you can see results and make adjustments in real-time. Our content team works hand-in-hand with paid media and social media strategists. We analyze the performance of your ads and change up the copy as needed to boost results.

Answering Health Questions Wherever the Patient Is

The Iowa Clinic, West Des Moines, Iowa

Fresh off a new website, The Iowa Clinic needed health articles to bring in traffic and educate the community across all their digital channels. Through keyword research and collaboration with their providers, Spinutech created relevant, localized content that saw a 180 percent increase in article traffic in just the first six months. We stripped away the medical jargon and developed a fun yet informative voice to match The Iowa Clinic's brand, boosting engagement with their health content and on social media.

Digital Tactics

Compelling copy powers your online advertising.

There’s one thing that connects all the different tactics you use online: good digital copywriting.

Display Advertising

Graphics and photos are important in attracting attention, but the ad copy is what draws a user to learn more.

Paid Social Media

Quality copy engages your target audience and stops them from scrolling to the next post in their feed.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Advertising copy that solves the problem a user is searching for or expresses urgency drives immediate action.

Native Advertising

Getting new people to your content requires ad copy that piques their interest and convinces them to read more.

Our strategies drive your results.